Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Diagnosis and Treatment

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Hearing loss is a common health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Among the various types of hearing loss, one significant form is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). It occurs due to prolonged exposure to loud noises and can profoundly impact an individual’s quality of life.

This blog will explore the diagnosis and treatment options available for noise-induced hearing loss.


About Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Noise-induced hearing loss is a condition that happens when the sensitive inner ear hair cells are exposed to loud noises and suffer harm or are destroyed. These noises may be generated by work-related noise, leisure time activities, or even exposure to unexpected, explosive noises. 

A single stressful incident or prolonged exposure can cause irreparable hearing impairment over time. It is crucial to be aware of such hazards and take precautions to prevent such harm.

Hearing Loss Prevention Tips

Hearing loss can be a challenging condition to deal with, and it’s something that affects millions of people worldwide. Here are some tips you can follow to protect your audition:

  • Protect your ears from loud noises.
  • Control volume levels.
  • Avoid exposure to loud environments.
  • Perform regular hearing check-ups.


How Is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Diagnosed?

An audiologist’s thorough hearing evaluation is often required to diagnose noise-induced hearing loss. A set of tests may be used during this examination to gauge the severity and characterize the hearing loss. 

One such test is having the subject listen to various tones at varied frequencies and loudness. Speech audiometry may also be used to assess speech comprehension in loud contexts. These examinations aid in determining the degree and type of hearing loss. Experiencing symptoms like sensitivity to loud sounds, difficulty understanding speech, and tinnitus is also a sign of hearing loss you should know.


Understanding a Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Audiogram

An audiogram is a visual depiction of a person’s hearing capacity. It offers a graphic depiction of the thresholds at which sound across various frequencies is received. The audiogram often shows a “notch” or dip in the hearing thresholds around the higher frequencies, which are typically between 3,000 and 6,000 Hz, in the event of noise-induced hearing loss. 

This distinctive form aids in differentiating noise-induced hearing loss from other hearing problems.


Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Treatment

Despite the fact that noise-induced hearing loss is permanent, there are a number of therapy strategies to reduce its effects and enhance communication. The use of hearing aids is the most popular form of therapy. These tools enhance sounds and aid in hearing loss compensation. Audiologists closely consult with patients to choose the best hearing aids for their particular requirements and preferences.

Keep in mind that people with mild hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids, but if you are experiencing a profound hearing loss level, they might not cause a difference.

For people with noise-induced hearing loss, additional assistive listening devices outside hearing aids might be helpful. These tools improve sound clarity and accessibility in many settings, including personal amplifiers, captioned phones, and television listening systems.


Rely on Great Hearing Benefits

The greatest strategy for protecting your hearing is to take preventive actions. When exposed to loud noises, using the proper hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs, can greatly lower the risk of noise-induced hearing loss. Your hearing health depends on taking regular breaks from loud surroundings and utilizing headphones or earbuds at a safe volume.

At Great Hearing Benefits, we are devoted to assisting persons with hearing loss with access to the greatest treatment and technology. We partner with a number of healthcare service providers in delivering hearing aid savings and many other perks. Contact us now and start your journey to better hearing

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Don’t let hearing loss hold you back. Experience the benefits of Great Hearing Benefits today.  Take the first step towards better hearing by contacting us now.

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